Hello, fellow traveler!

I'm Carsie. I’m an independent songwriter. I love everybody except billionaires and fascists.

I'd like to send you a copy of The Red Album for just the cost of shipping ($5).

The Red Album is my new EP of protest music.

A silly, riotous, radical collection of my "tiktok hits": Rich People, The Democrats, Ugly Nasty Commie Bitch, and Dealin' with the Devil (which I sang live to Joe Manchin).

I also threw in a couple of my favorites from other writers: Faith Petric's You Ain't Done Nothing (if you Ain't Been Called a Red), and Anais Mitchell's gorgeous hymn to Palestine, Song of the Magi

Don't have a CD player? 

Me neither! When you order the free CD, you'll get download and streaming links in your email. 

If you prefer vinyl, click below and I'll offer you my other records at a discount. 

I'm a working class musician.

I’ve been touring for fifteen years and I've made nine albums. I’ve opened for legends, played Red Rocks, and sold out plenty of my own shows. I’ve made a small menagerie of viral hits (Rich People, Shit List, Fishin’ With You) and gained a lot of followers. But followers don’t equal money, and neither does streaming, or touring! Like most industries, the music biz is collapsing into a late-capitalist dystopian hellscape. (Here's an article I wrote about it for The Nation).

So, I’m trying a new way to reach fans... paying Zuck to show you ads so I can

Who do I think I am?

These days I live outside of Philadelphia, but I grew up in rural Virginia. I come from a long line of rednecks, rabblerousers, and anti-Zionist Jews. I’ve been obsessed with songs since I was a kid, and when Trump got elected, I got obsessed with politics, too. I became a socialist, and later, an organizer (though, not a very good one, 'cus I’m usually out of town). Here I am at a recent protest with my comrades from Artists Against Apartheid (I'm the one on the left, carrying Joe Biden's bloody left hand)!

Enough about me... check out this album!

The 5 songs on this EP lived solely on the internet, until my band and I got a minute off the road to record them last January.


Dealin' With the Devil was the first song I wrote in this collection, and through a random series of events, we got to play it live for Joe Manchin at the Kennedy Center in D.C. Rich People came pretty quick, and it had A LOT of verses - the hardest part was carving it down. Ugly Nasty Commie Bitch took about ten minutes to write, on a single car ride, fueled by some nasty comments on social media.

Some people say musicians should “stay out of politics”.

I think that’s harebrained and misinformed. Culture is politics, and art is culture. As Toni Cade Bambera famously put it, the role of the artist is to make the revolution irresistible. 

And anyway, I don’t want to sing about some fantasy world; I want to sing about the real world. The one that’s rapidly heating, ruled by grifters, and divided by profiteers. Can we find hope and humanity, there?